Wednesday, July 26, 2006

"Hide-Bound" Mentality!

A quote from Ms. Shovel over at The Shack:

One of my biggest frustrations with religious institutions and religious mindedness is the whole 'hide-bound' mentality (to borrow a Shovel-phrase). You know, the 'hide-bound' mentality that the 'Word of GOD' is actually limited and totally defined as the written words on the page/pages, and not actually a Person!! (thank you Shovel for always pointing that out to me) It seems totally missed that the Word of GOD is actually GOD Himself revealed in Christ Jesus, and now in us as well. It is 'missed' ... the very Living Person the words are actually written about!

(Click on title to follow link to discussion..............)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    It is frustrating bro! I always end up pointing to the first chapter of John where it specifically talks about "The Word" Jesus.

    Thanks for the great post and reminder.
