Sunday, September 11, 2005


By: Malcolm Smith

The Gospel is the call to rest, to receive the free, undeserved gift that God has given us in Christ. There is nothing man can do to earn salvation from his past, or his present acceptance and walk with God. It is, from beginning to end, the grace of God.

The body of truth that proclaims the revelation of God is called the Good News. News, by definition, is the announcement of something that has happened, not a list of things that must be done! All that must be done for a man to live in perfect union with God has been accomplished by Jesus in His death and resurrection.

The heart of the Christian life is to stand in wonder before His love and say, "Thank You!"

The Gospel is not a call to do something, but the announcement that all is done in the One Who stood for all.

The Christian life is not living in our own strength and resources, but from the infinite Christ Who lives within those who believe. All human strength will come to an end sooner or later, leaving each of us with charred, burned out life. But His strength knows no end!

We have one function in life: to be the manifestors of His life to the world. Only when we are living His life are we truly living our own! This is the reason for our creation.

We realize that He is not only the past tense Savior from sin, but also the One Who now lives within us in the present tense, our life and breath. Christianity is not a formula, but the Person of Jesus Himself.

Never think that Christianity is a matter of adjusting behavior, but rather, of letting Christ live through us in His strength and power.

From: Spiritual Burnout


  1. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Wow,I'm so relieved the Gospel is still being preached. It seems in our present day we are innundated with intellectual studies, with literally thousands of interpretations and viewpoints of what the scriptures really mean. Word studies, Bible studies, men's meetings, destiny, prophecy, outreach,evangelism,do-isms,be-isms,end times, good grief can they all be right?? It's too much for the normal Christian to try and be all the things every ministry tells us to be. So, thank you for bringing back the freedom of the Gospel, which is as Malcom simply put it "...the Person of Jesus Himself"
