Thursday, September 29, 2005

New Chapter-Jake Colsen Story

Chapter 11

Follow the link.


  1. This latest chapter was the best so far. And they've all been good. So many of us struggled (or continue to struggle) with our misguided sense of obligation to organized religion. Everyone needs to read this story... everyone.

  2. Hi, I followed your link on Kelly Well's blog~ a good efriend, by the by~ I tried to follow your link to jake, but it wouldn't get me there. Sigh.
    I am buckling up under the disappointment......

    You have FIVE kids?? OY!

  3. Super! I just linked it to a couple of friends through email, and I also put it on my blog. Excellent story! Thanks for the link.
    BTW, I had no problem going to
    feel free to use this URL to go there.

  4. whatcha been up to?

  5. Hey Bruce,

    New Job! Trying to find balance and meet all the requirements......hope to be posting more in the future.

    Thanks for asking!!

    Grace to you,


  6. Cool... what are you doing now? Different type of job, or same job in a different company? Either way, I know there's a huge learning curve / adjustment period. When going through that kind of change, finding a comfort zone is a nice thing. But it takes a while to get there.

    Do well, friend, in whatever you do!
